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Year of Release 2005. This year represents the turning of the tide.
Give us the humility to accept the things we cannot change, and give us the courage to change to change the things we can
and give us the wisdom to know the difference.
Click Here To Donate
There are many ways to help. You can go to our Carbon Calculator (pdf) to support the tree planting and by reducing your own impact on the environment.

You can visit the Gambia and enjoy a Raptor trip with Modou Colley. Here you should see Ospreys as well as up to 25 different species of raptor. This trip also visits the tree planting area so there is an opportunity for you to directly help by monitoring what wildlife you see and assess if there is still illegal logging going on. Most importantly you should try to sponsor this project - if you do you will receive a certificate and you will be treated as a valued guest by the communities involved in the project.
Trees4Africa Project Picture